Some Bunny Loves Me: Sharing Kindness with Our Animal Friends by Parry Gripp

Some Bunny Loves Me: Sharing Kindness with Our Animal Friends by Parry Gripp (It's a National Geographic Kid's book and a song! Are you ready? Sing along! The video is at the end of this review) is a sweet shout out to our amazing pets. I am that mom who never said "no" to the pet requests of my children. Dogs, cats, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, tortoises, a cockatiel and puffer fish have all shared our home at one time or another. And, while I don't miss the clean up involved (I was also the mom who didn't make her kids take care of "their" pets because they were secretly "my" pets...) I do miss our pets who have passed, especially our rabbits. Some Bunny Loves Me is a playfully beautiful tribute to the many joys of being a pet owner, as well as a gentle tutorial for children on the needs of pets.  
Playing with the title, the refrain changes with each pet - somedoggy, somekitty, somechickies and more. Gripp's rhymes are easy to sing along with. I especially like his verses for the tortoise:

Some tortoise moves slowly
just as fast as he can.
I've made him a playground 
with a pond and some sand.

I turn on a lamp
to warm his round back.
He nibbles on veggies
and worms for snacks.

I stroke his shell softly.
I don't force him to play.
Sometortoise loves me
and that makes my day.

Some Bunny Loves Me is a great book to give to a first time pet owner or any kid who loves animals and loves to sing!

Source: Review Copy

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