I Wrote You a Note by Lizi Boyd

Lizi Boyd is an author, illustrator and designer. A few years ago, I reviewed her book Inside Outside and loved it. Her newest book, I Wrote You a Note, is absolutely charming, both story and illustrations. And the design, with the bookcase that looks like the birch bark the note is written on, along with the thick, creamy pages and beautiful endpapers is delicious!
Boyd begins I Wrote You a Note, "I wrote you a note. Did you find it?" This question will be repeated throughout the book as the note is discovered by an array of animals. A mother duck uses the note as a raft for her ducklings to rest on. A spider uses it as a bridge. A squirrel folds the note and makes a book but, "squirrels don't sit still for very long," and soon enough the note is tossed aside and the squirrel is up a tree.

A snail, a mouse, a dragonfly, a rabbit and a goat all find the note as well until we see the real recipient of the note and, finally, the contents of the note. A beautifully simple, repetitive book, I Wrote You a Note, is gently suspenseful and a joy to look at. The idea of a note is immediately exciting, especially when it goes astray. Boyd's pattern-filled illustrations in cool earth tones keep readers entranced as the story unfolds.

Source: Review Copy

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