PLAY by Jez Alborough

PLAY! by Jez Alborough
Review Copy from Candlewick Press
Story: In 2000, Bobo the baby chimp wanted a hug and wandered the jungle looking for one until, happily, he found his mommy. Alborough's (almost) one-word-book HUG started what turned into a series with TALL, YES and now PLAY, and became my youngest son's favorite book when he was a toddler. With one word driving the plot in each book, Alborough's charming chimp capably carries each story, completely engaging readers with his toddler-like antics. In PLAY, Mommy tells Bobo it's bedtime, tucking him into his treetop bed, but he wants to play. With the help of a giraffe, he heads off into the jungle and has a fine time - until it grows dark and he wants his Mommy.
Pictures: Alborough's illustrations are magnificent. Rich in color and detail, his characters are expressive and warm and readers relate to them. With a story short on text, this makes all the difference. And, it makes this series perfect for non-reading children to pore over on their own, which is one of the reasons my son loved HUG when he was little. A non-reader can pick up any book in this series and understand and engage with it.
Why Read? Why Buy?: Read and buy PLAY, and every other book in this series, if there are little people in your life. Period.

The Bobo Books:

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