Delilah Dirk and the Pillars of Hercules by Tony Cliff, 256 pp, RL 4

Delilah Dirk and the Pillar of Hercules 
Review Copy from FirstSecond
Story: The International Mistress of Swordsmanship is back and ready for adventure, as always. And, with Erdemoglu Selim at her side, she is unstoppable, despite her impulsive and occasionally self-centered nature. As this third book in the series begins in Turkey, the duo fall into their next exploit while battling a local magistrate, Küçuk who happens to have discovered an ancient ruins that he has yet to explore. A guest of Küçuk, the Dutch (yellow) journalist Laurens Van Hassel, easily convinces Delilah and Selim to travel with hi to the site to explore, all the while sending stories of their exploits back home to the Weekly Observer. As the stories go to print, Delilah's nemesis, Jason Merrick, hunts her down. The site proves to be the remains of lost civilization that met a ruinous end, one that Van Hassel has invited political and military leaders from all over to visit and bid on. Merrick's thirst for vengeance and Van Hassel's greed  make for a stellar climax.

Illustrations: Delilah Dirk is a phenomenal creation and I never get tired of looking at her  wild mane of hair, flowing Grecian attire and her battle moves. To this, Cliff adds a gorgeous landscape, wether it's a violent storm at sea, a tranquil, verdant countryside or the sand swept expanses of Algiers. Into this mix come legions of characters, mostly men, usually fighting. There is so much going on in every panel visually and so much in the story itself, that Cliff's novel demand to be read many times.
Why Read? Why Buy?: Hopefully, you have read the first two books in this series and know why you should buy and read this book. If not, this review - even just the images shared here - should be enough to convince you.

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