We Are All Me by Jordan Crane, 40pp, RL 1.5

We Are All Me
by Jordan Crane
Review Copy from TOON Books
Story: With simple, short sentences, Crane takes readers from self with, "I AM ONE / HERE IN A BODY," out into the world and back again, at a cellular level, making the point that we are all made up of the same matter and we are all connected in our desire to live and be aware and be together. 
Pictures : I don't think I've ever seen illustrations like this in a picture book before and I can't stop poring over every page, again and again. Crane's art is as vibrant and alive as the subject matter he is writing about. This is a book that you can't put down.
Why Read? Why Buy?We Are All Me is magical to read. A level 1 TOON Book Easy-To-Read Comic, We Are All Me is made for emerging readers. Yet, the melodic text and the mildly hypnotic illustrations will engage readers of any age. In the author's note at the end of the book, readers learn that Jordan Crane was hiking in the woods with his wife on the 4th of July when she exclaimed, "Interdependence Day!" Dazzled by his wife's idea that there should be a day celebrating the ways that we are all connected to one another and the planet, Crane worked for months trying to make a comic about this and, after many attempts, we have this amazingly wonderful book! 

If you don't already know this incredible series of graphic novels for beginning readers, I've been reviewing them for almost 10 years now and love every single one! Be sure to peruse past reviews of TOON Books HERE.

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