Poesy the Monster Slayer by Cory Doctorow & Matt Rockefeller

Posey the Monster Slayer
by Cory Doctorow and Matt Rockefeller
Review Copy from :01 Books
Poesy the Monster Slayer feels like the best possible culmination of something that has been a long time coming. This picture book with occasional word bubbles begins with adorable, brown-skinned Posey in a nightgown with a pink bow at the neck, getting the "bedtime" call from her pj-ed mom. Dad comes in to read the Monster Book, with Poesy anxiously awaiting the end. She has been MAKING PLANS and is ready to go, once Dad is gone and the lights are off. What follows is page-after-page of serious monster slaying that is one part cute and one part kick-ass. Knowing that werewolves hate silver and fear the light, Poesy waves her wand, the light stunning the werewolf that has crawled through her window, just before she collars him with her "Princess Frillypants silver tiara." He "scampers off with his tail between his legs. Victory!" But the noise brings dad, bursting through the door, bellowing, "Poesy Russell Schnegg!"

With each monster and the ensuing ruckus, one parent or the other drags their tired body out of bed to admonish their daughter to get quiet and go to sleep. And, as they admonish, Poesy's name grows. For me, learning each new name was almost as exciting as seeing which monster was next to attack. Using things from around her room to slay the monsters (bubblegum perfume sprayed into the "terrible lidless eye" of one monster, a sewing kit for another) rounds out the night, but not before one final, super scary attack . . . Desperately sleep-deprived, mom and dad stumble to Poesy's room to rattle off her full, six-name-moniker, zombie-style!

Matt Rockefeller is one of the five fantastic creators of the
5 Worlds graphic novel series

Cory Docotow is the author of, among other titles, 

In Real Life, a graphic novel illustrated by Jen Wang

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